Does Your Accounting Software Need an Upgrade?

I can’t remember the last time I upgraded my accounting software.



Software continues to be updated and improved, with enhancements such as cloud and mobility, and system compatibility. If you can’t remember the last time you upgraded, it’s probably time. Optimize efficiency by using the latest versions.

I have developed separate Excel spreadsheets to support my accounting software.



The thought of a data breach scares me.



Older software doesn’t have the newest security and malware protection, which may result in a hacker gaining control. Protect your data and your business by keeping your software current.

My time is valuable.



Software application upgrades make it easier and more efficient to do business. Sure, there’s a cost for these updates, but there is a higher cost for your time, the time of your staff, and the health of your company in not upgrading.

I need my financial advisors to be aware of my business’s health.



The most up-to-date accounting software will keep your whole team — accountant, consultant and loan officer — on the same page which is critical to the well-being of your company.

Farm Credit East can Help!

If you answered “True” to any of the above questions, then we recommend it’s time for an upgrade to your accounting software. Contact us today to learn more.