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Farm Credit East announced today the Farm Credit East Cares Community Fund donated $110,000 to various charitable organizations throughout the Northeast. This included $40,000 distributed to regional food banks throughout the eight states Farm Credit East serves.
December 19, 2024
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Farm Credit East, ACA, the Northeast’s largest agricultural lending cooperative, announced its distribution of a record $117 million in cash patronage dividends to 12,250 farm, fishing and forestry business owners and operators across the Northeast. On average, eligible customers received a 1.25% reduction in their effective interest rate as a result of this patronage distribution.
March 08, 2023
Join Farm Credit East on Wednesday, March 8, at 12 noon for a recap of 2022 results for the nursery, greenhouse and sod industries, as well as economic projections for the coming year.
March 06, 2023
Join Farm Credit East on Thursday, March 2, at 12 noon for a discussion of lumber markets, pulpwood and biomass, as well as the health of the forest industry supply chain going into 2023.
February 27, 2023
In conjunction with National FFA Week (February 18-25), Farm Credit East is pleased to announce the awarding of eight scholarships to students involved in The National Future Farmers of America (FFA) Organization to support their Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE). The scholarship recipients had strong projects and expressed a clear understanding of their projects’ impacts on their future careers in agriculturally related fields.
February 23, 2023
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