Today’s Harvest Blog

Today’s Harvest is a valued, timely resource for stories, news, tips and information relevant to Northeast agriculture and our customers.
Farm tractor in a field during the fall harvest

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Tax Talks

Production Tax Credit – Complete Application for Registration by July 15

Austin Weaver

In a previous Tax Talks blog article, we talked about energy credits. An energy credit not discussed is the Production Tax Credit (PTC) under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) section 45Z. This credit incentivizes the domestic production of sustainable transportation fuels, such as those that may be generated by an on-farm biomass digester, offering a per gallon tax credit for qualified fuels produced by the taxpayer and sold to an unrelated person. 

June 25, 2024

Tractor preparing field for planting

Latest Tax Talk

Farm workers harvesting apples
Tax Talks
New York Farm Employer Overtime Credit – Advance Application Opens July 1

In December 2023, we shared to important Tax Talks blog articles on the New York Employer Overtime Credit. The time to apply for an advance of the credit is fast approaching with NYS Ag and Markets opening the application on July 1, 2024. 

July 2, 2024

Today's Harvest Blog

Tag: outlook 
close up of multiple black and white dairy cows in a row eating chopped feed
Ag Economy
2024 Dairy Outlook Webinar Recap

Last year saw a marked decline in milk prices from 2022. Feed and fuel costs declined to a lesser extent, but many other expenses increased, reducing margins for dairy producers. Farm Credit East and Crop Growers crop insurance recently hosted a webinar to provide a 2024 outlook for the Northeast dairy industry. 

February 06, 2024

Rear view of new agricultural tractors for sale
Ag Economy
On the Market for Equipment? Keep in mind these major themes in the farm machinery market

Between rate increases, tightening inventories, market volatility and the rising cost of inputs, the agricultural equipment and financing landscape is entering a distinctly different environment following years of unprecedented demand and high farm profitability. As we head into year-end, here are the major themes and factors impacting machinery purchases, financing activity and overall buyer sentiment.

November 14, 2023

close up view of black and white Holstien cow that is looking toward viewer, in a barn with other cows.
Ag Economy
Celebrating National Dairy Month

It’s National Dairy Month, and we couldn’t let the month of June pass by without recognizing the region’s largest agricultural sector — the dairy industry. Dairy and related processing constitute the top agricultural sector in the region, with more than $18.7 billion in direct sales, $34.6 billion in total economic impact and more than 120,000 jobs supported.

June 26, 2023

a bunch of purple grapes and green leaves growing on a vine
Ag Economy
2023 Northeast Wine Grape Outlook

Our recently published, 2023 Northeast Wine Grape Outlook, written by Hans Walter-Peterson, Senior Viticulture Extension Specialist Cornell Cooperative Extension, reviews recent years of grape production, and a forecast of what is to come for 2023.

March 28, 2023

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