Ag Industry Trends & Outlooks

Discover insights, trends, ag market outlooks and other topical information as it relates to the Northeast's diverse agricultural industries. Brought to you by Knowledge Exchange from Farm Credit East.
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Grants and Incentives for Northeast Agriculture

This report includes funding opportunities available in the eight states served by Farm Credit East: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island and Vermont. Please note that as grant programs often change, this list should not be viewed as a comprehensive compilation of all grant opportunities.

July 24, 2024

2024 Grants and Incentives for Northeast Agriculture report cover

Latest From Today's Harvest Blog

Farm Credit East Interns in 2024
Farm Credit
An Impactful Summer Experience

For the last 10 weeks, 17 interns across eight offices interned at Farm Credit East working on a number of different projects. I worked out of the Enfield, Conn., office where I went on farm tours, shadowed employees, worked on my focused summer project, and so much more!

July 24, 2024

Featured Webinar

Woman standing in agriculture crop field holding and working on an open laptop
Farm Credit
2024 Virtual Customer Appreciation Meeting

Tuesday, Nov 12, 2024 11:30 AM - 12:15 PM EST

Join us for the 2024 Virtual Customer Appreciation Meeting. This 45-minute program will provide cooperative updates from CEO Mike Reynolds and Board Chair John Knopf.

November 12, 2024

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Farm Credit
Showing Appreciation for Customer Owners

As a cooperative, our customers are at the core of everything we do. To celebrate our loyal customer-owners, Farm Credit East held a virtual Customer Appreciation Meeting as well as several in-person events across the Northeast over the summer and fall.

December 07, 2021

Tax Talks
Massachusetts Budget Provides Credits for Cranberry Producers

Massachusetts cranberry producers may have the ability to claim a new tax credit in the coming year. In today's Tax Talks, Dario Arezzo outlines the new provision and which producers qualify.

November 30, 2021

Farm Credit
Thankful for Northeast Producers

Here at Farm Credit East, we’re thankful for the region’s producers who provide the abundance of fresh, local food to fill our table this Thanksgiving.

November 23, 2021

Public Policy
Farm Credit Leaves its Mark on Capitol Hill

Last week, Farm Credit staff, directors, farmers, ranchers, foresters and fishermen from across the nation traveled to Washington, D.C., for the bi-annual Farm Credit Fly-In. The two-day event consisted of hundreds of legislative visits, both in-person and virtual, as well as a marketplace showcasing agricultural products from across the country.

November 09, 2021

Northeast Economic Engine

Download Farm Credit East’s Northeast Economic Engine report, which analyzes the economic impact of the Northeast agriculture, forest products and commercial fishing industries. This report was released in November 2020. 


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2020 Northeast Economic Impact Report Cover