Ag Industry Trends & Outlooks

Discover insights, trends, ag market outlooks and other topical information as it relates to the Northeast's diverse agricultural industries. Brought to you by Knowledge Exchange from Farm Credit East.
Farmer hands using smartphone

Knowledge Exchange Partner

Knowledge Exchange Partner

Farm Credit East Knowledge Exchange Industry Snapshots

This month's Knowledge Exchange Partner highlights a series of Industry Snapshots, compiled by Farm Credit East's Director of Knowledge Exchange, Chris Laughton. In addition to a summary of the national economy, northeast farm economy sectors such as dairy, timber and forest products, cash field crops, livestock, fruit, vegetables, greenhouse and fishing are included.

September 5, 2024

Soybean field at sunset

Latest From Today's Harvest Blog

Small business owner going through paperwork with her workers at garden center.
Business Tips and Tools
Beneficial Ownership Information: Who is Required to Report?

Earlier this year, Farm Credit East held a webinar reviewing The Corporate Transparency Act and the new Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) reporting requirements that went into effect on January 1, 2024. Several webinar attendees asked questions about how these requirements apply to different business structures.

September 24, 2024

Featured Webinar

Woman standing in agriculture crop field holding and working on an open laptop
Farm Credit
2024 Virtual Customer Appreciation Meeting

Tuesday, Nov 12, 2024 11:30 AM - 12:15 PM EST

Join us for the 2024 Virtual Customer Appreciation Meeting. This 45-minute program will provide cooperative updates from CEO Mike Reynolds and Board Chair John Knopf.

November 12, 2024

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A young farmer talking to another individual with a tablet in a crop field with green netting
Business Tips and Tools
New York's Investment Tax Credit Program: Maximizing Your Capital Investment Webinar

Thursday, Jul 11, 2024 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EDT


In this webinar, Farm Credit East discussed how the New York State Investment Tax Credit (ITC) program can benefit your operation. This presentation is designed for Farm Credit East members who are considering capital expansions and want to take advantage of available tax incentives.

July 11, 2024

Rural home set back in agriculture pasture during sunset
Business Tips and Tools
Buying a Rural Property? Check for deed restrictions.

When buying a rural property, the buyer should always ask if the property has any deed restrictions as these can impose various limitations on how the property can be used and also potentially decrease the property’s value. 

July 09, 2024

side profile view of employee business woman wearing casual shirt sitting working at office desk with laptop pc computer indoors sign documents writing something
Tax Talks
Important Update Regarding Life Insurance Redemptions

In April, we discussed that the Supreme Court was hearing arguments in the Connelly v U.S. case regarding life insurance proceeds. With this case now decided, it will be important for individuals and small businesses owning life insurance to fund buy/sell agreements to include a review of these policies.

July 05, 2024

Knowledge Exchange Partner
Record U.S. Agricultural Trade Deficit Forecasted to Keep Growing

The United States is the world’s largest agricultural exporter and has been for decades. However, as a wealthy country with a population of more than 340 million people with appetites for a broad range of agricultural products - we are also one of the world’s top agricultural importers. American Farm Bureau Economist, Betty Resnick examines historical trade data, and insight on forecasted trends.

July 03, 2024

Northeast Economic Engine

Download Farm Credit East’s Northeast Economic Engine report, which analyzes the economic impact of the Northeast agriculture, forest products and commercial fishing industries. This report was released in November 2020. 


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2020 Northeast Economic Impact Report Cover