Today’s Harvest Blog

Today’s Harvest is a valued, timely resource for stories, news, tips and information relevant to Northeast agriculture and our customers.
Farm tractor in a field during the fall harvest

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Tax Talks

Production Tax Credit – Complete Application for Registration by July 15

Austin Weaver

In a previous Tax Talks blog article, we talked about energy credits. An energy credit not discussed is the Production Tax Credit (PTC) under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) section 45Z. This credit incentivizes the domestic production of sustainable transportation fuels, such as those that may be generated by an on-farm biomass digester, offering a per gallon tax credit for qualified fuels produced by the taxpayer and sold to an unrelated person. 

June 25, 2024

Tractor preparing field for planting

Latest Tax Talk

Farm workers harvesting apples
Tax Talks
New York Farm Employer Overtime Credit – Advance Application Opens July 1

In December 2023, we shared to important Tax Talks blog articles on the New York Employer Overtime Credit. The time to apply for an advance of the credit is fast approaching with NYS Ag and Markets opening the application on July 1, 2024. 

July 2, 2024

Today's Harvest Blog

Crop Insurance
It pays to have Dairy Revenue Protection

Why does it pay to have Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP)? DRP sets a quarterly price floor based on Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) futures prices to protect dairy producers against unexpected declines in milk revenue. It’s important to protect your operation — and DRP is one of the resources you can have in your toolbox to do so.  

May 22, 2023

Young farmer walking away in a fruit orchard, Mental Health Awareness graphic logo is in the bottom left corner
Business Tips and Tools
Farm Stress, Mental Health, and Mediation and Conflict Resolution-Key Resources for the Agriculture Community

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. To raise awareness around the importance of dealing with issues impacting mental health — from stress to conflict — following are helpful resources available in each Northeast state.

May 16, 2023

Hail Caught in Netting in Apple Orchard with damaged yellow apple and green tree leaves.
Crop Insurance
Crop-Hail Coverage: Providing Peace of Mind in the Middle of the Storm

Hail can be a true catastrophe for agricultural businesses. The damage caused by hailstones can destroy a portion of a crop and result in significant financial losses for farmers. Crop-hail insurance is an essential tool for managing this risk.

May 09, 2023

rectangular word bubble outlined in green on a grey background with the word Tax inside the bubble and the word Talks, under the bubble
Tax Talks
The Tax Code and Residual Soil Fertility
Recently, an old tax concept began to resurface. Farmers are asking whether they can write off residual fertilizer in the purchase of farmland. Most farmers realize, the purchase of farmland is nondeductible and thus finding deductions during the purchase of farmland can be beneficial to help cash flow the purchase.

May 01, 2023

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