Financial Reports

Download and view the latest Farm Credit East financial reports.

Financial Highlights

12.9 billion dollars
Loan Volume
Largest lender to Northeast agriculture with $12.9 billion in total loans as of 12/31/24.
One point five billion dollars
Since the patronage program began, Farm Credit East (and its predecessor cooperatives) have paid over $1.5 billion in cash dividends to our customer-owners.
19 million dollars
This unique program for startup entrepreneurs has invested $19 million in more than 400 beginning farm and fishing businesses.
From the CEO

“Paying patronage dividends is an essential component of the value our cooperative provides to members. By focusing on strong earnings and sound lending practices, Farm Credit East has the capacity to continue to pay patronage dividends and meet our members’ capital needs as the leading financial partner to the Northeast agriculture, commercial fishing and forest products industries.”

– Mike Reynolds, Farm Credit East CEO

Financial Reports

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LIBOR Notice

Farm Credit East, along with other Farm Credit institutions, are actively monitoring and participating in discussions with industry groups and financial regulators about the transition of LIBOR. Learn what you need to know.

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