2025 Director Candidate

James Andrew Smith

James Smith

Age: 59
Business address: 120 Kahn Road, Franklin, CT 06254 
Served by the Dayville Office

Business Experience (past 5 years): Operations manager at The Cushman Farms Limited Partnership, a dairy farm with 1,800 cows and 2,300 acres of land. He oversees finance and the upper management team.

Farm Credit/Community Involvement: James has served on the Dayville Customer Service Council and on the nominating committee. He has served on his local Economic Development Committee for 15 years, including 10 years as chair. James was involved in Very Alive, an organization educating legislators on the importance of Connecticut Agriculture. He’s been involved with the Working Lands Alliance and served three terms for the Farm Service Agency of New London County. Recently, James was appointed to the UConn Advisory Board of the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources.

Business Interests/Affiliations: The Cushman Farms Limited Partnership – owner/ operator – dairy farm; The Farmer’s Cow – board chair – milk marketing brand; Almanax – owner/partner – drone research and crop care company

Family members who transact business with Farm Credit East: 
Sibling, uncle and nephew
Read a letter from James to membership