March 23, 2022

Farm Credit

Spring 2022: Voice of Membership


In this Edition
Voice of Membership: Farm Credit East Board of Directors 

In our last Financial Partner, we introduced Farm Credit East’s Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) strategy. As a customer-owned cooperative, ESG is an increasing priority for Farm Credit East, and the governance pillar is one often overlooked when discussing ESG, however it is the one most customer focused. Governance defines how corporate decisions are made and how rights and responsibilities are distributed to interested parties, including the board of directors, management and shareholders.

In the cover story, learn more about Farm Credit East's governance strategy, including the role of the association's Nominating Committee, Board of Directors and other associated committees. You'll also be introduced to three new board members, gained from our recent merger with Yankee Farm Credit.

Additional Content

  • CEO Mike Reynolds describes "voice" and "membership," and the role they play in the organization.
  • Learn about local Customer Service Councils (CSCs): an important component of Farm Credit East's governance and a critical source of grassroots feedback.
  • Read about Farm Credit East's patronage dividend program.
  • In The Washington Update, learn more about the federal regulation process.
  • Meet the six qualified candidates seeking election to the three open seats on the Farm Credit East Board of Directors in 2022.
  • Farm Credit East Cares recently surpassed $1 million in contributions to Northeast Rural Communities.