July 31, 2024

Crop Insurance

Protect Your Hay Production with Pasture, Rangeland and Forage Crop Insurance

By: Crop Growers Crop Insurance


Written by: Nicole Ingram and Jennie Cougler 

Are you a livestock or hay producer concerned about unpredictable weather affecting your forage production? Pasture, Rangeland, and Forage (PRF) insurance is an important risk management tool to protect your operation from insufficient rainfall, offering flexible coverage levels and automatic claims processing. Read on to learn how PRF insurance helps you maintain the health and productivity of your livestock, and ultimately the profitability of your operation.  

What is Pasture, Rangeland and Forage (PRF) coverage? 

Pasture, Rangeland and Forage (PRF) insurance is a federally subsidized program that offers a safety net against the risk of insufficient rainfall for your grazing and haying land. Unlike traditional crop insurance, PRF is based on weather indices, providing coverage for your operation's precipitation needs, not individual losses. This innovative approach ensures that you're protected against the variability of Mother Nature. 

How does PRF benefit livestock and hay producers? 

Forage is a critical component of livestock nutrition and hay production. Ensuring a steady supply of quality forage can be challenging, especially with the increasing frequency of extreme weather events. PRF crop insurance helps stabilize your operation by providing financial support during periods of low rainfall, allowing you to maintain your livestock’s health and productivity. 

How does PRF coverage work? 

PRF safeguards investment in pasture, rangeland and forage by: 

  • Covering Lack of Rainfall: PRF insurance compensates you when rainfall drops below the historical average for your area, which is vital for maintaining healthy forage for your livestock. 
  • Flexible Coverage Levels: You can choose coverage levels ranging from 60% to 150% of the county base value, allowing you to tailor the insurance to your operation's specific needs.  
  • Area-Based Plan: Payments are based on the average deviation from normal rainfall within your grid area, not individual experience, providing a broader protection scope. 
  • Affordable Premiums: Premium support ranges from 51% to 59% making the cost of coverage significantly more affordable for farmers. 
  • Automatic Claim Process: Claims are automatically processed based on data from the NOAA Climate Prediction Center, eliminating the need for claim forms and crop adjusters.  

Contact Your Crop Growers Agent Today 

Don't let unpredictable weather put your livestock and hay production at risk. Contact your Farm Credit East Crop Growers crop insurance agent today to discuss how PRF insurance can become a part of your risk management strategy. Our knowledgeable agents are ready to help you navigate the options and find the best coverage for your needs. We offer: 

  • Comprehensive Coverage: Crop Growers provides a modern and streamlined customer experience, enabling farmers to manage risk effectively with tailored service plans. 
  • State-of-the-Art Technology: The Optimum Analyzer program provides an advanced analytical tool that digests all available crop insurance data, offering personalized coverage solutions.  
  • Industry Leadership: Farm Credit East is a leader in crop insurance, ensuring that farmers have access to the most knowledgeable crop insurance agents in the industry.    

Protect your livelihood and ensure the sustainability of your operation with PRF crop insurance. Reach out to us today! 


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Nicole Ingram Nicole Ingram is a Senior Crop Insurance Associate with serving Jefferson, Lewis, and Oswego counties. With a passion for positive impact in the agriculture industry, I work with operations to manage risk, protect revenue, yields, and the future of the operation. Serving a large range of orchards, grain crops, dairies, and pasture/hayland.
Jennie Cougler Jennie Cougler is a Crop Insurance Associate serving Franklin and St. Lawrence counties. Specializing in crop risk management options for dairies, grain operations and small local growers. Products offered include Multi-Peril crop insurance policies for spring row crops and Pasture, Rangeland and Forage, as well as revenue protection policies for milk and Whole Farm/Micro Farm qualifying operations. 





Tags: crop insurance, cash field, livestock

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