Revenue Protection Crop Insurance
You may be familiar with crop insurance that protects against declines in yield, but you also have the option to purchase insurance to protect your revenue. This flexible policy lets you choose the coverage level that can best protect your cost of production. The market base and harvest price along with your yield history and chosen coverage level are used to establish per-acre revenue guarantees.
Revenue Protection Product Details
Revenue Guarantee Formula
Approved Yield (based on your own yield history) x Chosen Coverage Level (see coverage options) x Base Price (Chicago mercantile base price) = Revenue Protection Guarantee
Coverage Level
50%, 55%, 60%, 65%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85%
55% to 100% of commodity contract traded on specified commodity exchange.
Paid when calculated final revenue, determined using harvest price and actual yield, is less than the revenue protection guarantee.
Eligible Crops
Plans available but not limited to grain corn, soybeans, wheat, barley, grain sorghum and oats.
Unit Structure
Tailor the policy to your operation by selecting the unit structure that best reflects your operation! Choose from Enterprise, Basic and Optional.
Additional Information
Additional Crop Insurance Coverages
- Prevented planting and replant coverage are part of the policy (any level above CAT).
- Hurricane & Tropical Storm Insurance Protection, Trend Adjustment and Quality Loss Option are available to add to the policy.
- If enrolled in Price Loss Coverage (PLC) at FSA, the Supplemental Coverage Option (SCO) can be added to an RP policy. Enhanced Coverage Option (ECO) can be added no matter the FSA program selection.
Crop Insurance Deadlines
Deadlines vary by crop and season. Please view our full list of dates to find the information that applies to your operation.
What’s the difference between the products?
Compare all federally subsidized crop insurance programs.
Next Step
Contact us today and see how a Crop Growers revenue protection plan can work for you.