2025 Director Candidate

LouAnne King

LouAnne King

Age: 61
Business address: 307 Jones Road, Madrid, NY 13660 
Served by the Potsdam Office

Business Experience (past 5 years): Owner of Mapleview Dairy LLC, a family owned and operated farm which provides forages and grains from 5,600 acres to feed the dairy herds of Mapleview Cattle Company LLC and Forest View Heifers LLC. LouAnne is responsible for financial management, HR oversight and office operations for the multiple businesses.

Farm Credit/Community Involvement: LouAnne is vice chair on the Farm Credit East Board. She has served on the board’s Audit Committee, Governance/ Stewardship Committee and as chair of the Business Risk Committee. She has attended the National Board Leadership conference and completed the Premier Governance Series of board training. LouAnne is chair of the St. Lawrence County Workforce Development Board and serves on her Church Session and the National Holstein Legislative and Regulatory Affairs Committee.
Business Interests/Affiliations: Mapleview Dairy LLC – owner/manager – crop farm; Midas Touch Genetics – owner/manager – raising registered Holstein cattle

Family members who transact business with Farm Credit East: 
Spouse, children, sons-in-law, siblings, siblings-in-law and nephews