Micro Farm Policy

The Micro Farm policy allows insureds to protect their whole farm - both crops and revenue. Micro Farm is tailored for operations that have a smaller revenue than the Whole Farm policy covers. Like Whole Farm, the Micro Farm policy uses historical income to establish your guarantee to help cover crops that are not covered under a crop insurance policy.
flock of orange chickens

Micro Farm Product Details

Star with dollar sign inside
Approved Revenue (based on three-year revenue average) x Selected Coverage Level (see coverage options) = Revenue Protection Guarantee (not to exceed $350,000 for first year insured or $400,000 for carry-over insured)
Shield with percent sign inside
Coverage Level
50%, 55%, 60%, 65%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85%
Price tag with percent icon
Policy uses the last three years of tax returns to establish business agricultural commodities revenue or other sources as required.
File folder with calendar on it
The plan requires three years of production/sales records.
Ear of corn in husk
Eligible Crops
Plans available for all agricultural commodities.
Down arrow with dollar sign
Covers revenue losses due to a decline in market price, adverse weather, fire, insects, plant/animal disease and other naturally occurring disasters. Losses are indemnified when commodity revenue falls below insured revenue.

Additional Information

Additional Crop Insurance Coverages

Whole Farm Revenue Policy is available for those with higher revenue. 


Crop Insurance Deadlines

The deadline to sign up for Micro Farm is April 15 in most counties. Reporting deadlines are July 15 and the earlier of claim time or the sales closing date of the following year.


What’s the difference between the products?

Compare all federally subsidized crop insurance programs.

Next Step

Contact us today and see how a Crop Growers whole farm revenue protection plan can work for you.